If you are new to Qi Gong, welcome! If you are already familiar with this ancient practice, welcome back! The key to qi gong practice is consistency and regular practice. Qi gong, unlike Tai Chi and other internal martial arts, is primarily focused on healing. Take a few moments and ask yourself “What do I want out of Qi gong?” Do you want more energy, less stress, less pain? Keep this in mind as you practice. In Qi Gong this is called your “Yi” or intent. Qi Gong without “yi” is just light exercise.

Start by practicing this 10 minute routine. Do this routine for 1 week, then let me know what you experienced. What did you notice? More energy, less tension, nothing at all? Help someone else who is new on the journey and let us all know what you have learned in the discussion board!

Once you have practiced this routine for 1 week, click here.


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Hi I'm Jeff!

I am an Acupuncturist, and Qigong Instructor. I feel that Qigong is something that we all should practice because it is so simple and so effective to help us feel health and full of vitality! >Read more

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