Why you should Practice Qi Gong instead of Tai Chi

Why you should Practice Qi Gong instead of Tai Chi

Tai Chi is horrible, and you should stop practicing it immediately….. is not what I am saying 🙂 In fact, I have learned 2 different Tai Chi systems and enjoy practicing them as well as qi gong. There are some clear benefits that qi gong has over tai chi, and I...
How to Instantly Improve your Qi Gong or Tai Chi practice

How to Instantly Improve your Qi Gong or Tai Chi practice

Here is a simple tip to help you instantly improve your qi gong or tai chi practice, and the results that you get from it. I use this tip almost every time I practice. When I don’t I always feel as if I have to practice longer to achieve the same results, or I...
Can you Practice Qi Gong and Meditation at the Same Time?

Can you Practice Qi Gong and Meditation at the Same Time?

Can you practice both qi gong and meditation, or will your qi explode out of your hands like lightning? Well, I believe that you can practice both without risk of injury. In fact, I think they work quite well together! Join the Communi Qi...