Qigong practice has many benefits. Some of them include: increasing your energy reducing stress reducing pain and helping the body heal from old injuries slowing down or reversing the aging process move your qi and blood throughout the meridians, soft tissue, and...
There are so many different types of qigong exercises, routines, and practices. All of them should make you feel good. Most of us suffer from chronic stress and tension, so in order to maximize our health and vitality we want to relax our bodies, and our minds. This...
Qigong has the promise of increasing your energy improving circulation through the joints and soft tissue calming the mind and slowing down the aging process You’ve heard and read about all the benefits but you haven’t experienced them yourself....
What are the Benefits of Qigong practice? Science is starting to understand what the ancient Chinese have known for centuries- being healthy is not just an absence of disease, it is a holistic state of being physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and...
Sometimes simple is good! Here is a little sitting meditation that you can do right now if you are not going to be disturbed for a few minutes. I would encourage you to practice along! Join the Communi Qi...
I am an Acupuncturist, and Qigong Instructor. I feel that Qigong is something that we all should practice because it is so simple and so effective to help us feel health and full of vitality! >Read more