Qigong for Arthritis and Pain in the Neck

Qigong for Arthritis and Pain in the Neck

By far, neck pain, tension, arthritis, and weakness is one of the most common reasons for doctor visits. Many people suffer with neck pain for a variety of reasons. If it is left untreated neck tension and pain can lead to premature vertebrae degeneration and...
Why Qigong isn’t Working – Yet

Why Qigong isn’t Working – Yet

Qigong has the promise of increasing your energy improving circulation through the joints and soft tissue calming the mind and slowing down the aging process You’ve heard and read about all the benefits but you haven’t experienced them yourself....
Qigong for Neck and Shoulder Tension and Strength

Qigong for Neck and Shoulder Tension and Strength

There are many reasons why people practice qigong. One of the main reasons is due to pain and tension. When we have muscle and joint pain it can lead to tension. The tension often causes more pain, it is a vicious cycle. Add to that, often we have pain and tension...
Benefits of Qigong Practice

Benefits of Qigong Practice

What are the Benefits of Qigong practice? Science is starting to understand what the ancient Chinese have known for centuries- being healthy is not just an absence of disease, it is a holistic state of being physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and...
Pushing the Qi – Simple Qigong Exercise for Chest Tightness

Pushing the Qi – Simple Qigong Exercise for Chest Tightness

Here is a simple qigong exercise that will help release chest tightness, anxiety, and stress called Pushing the Qi. According to qi gong (chi kung) and traditional Chinese Medicine anxiety and chest tightness can be caused by stagnation of qi in the chest, heart,...