Qi Gong for Healing

Qi Gong for Healing

One of the main reasons people seek Qi Gong practice is to help with healing the body. Qi Gong can help with: injuries degeneration aches, and pain arthritis and simple bumps and bruises that we accumulate over time. There are many different healing modalities from...
Sitting Qigong Routine

Sitting Qigong Routine

There are many different styles of qigong. Some qigong practices are invigorating, stimulating, and will increase strength and flexibility, and other styles are more meditative, gentle, and relaxing. Some days you may feel drawn to an invigorating practice, one that...
Qigong Concept to Help Improve Your Practice

Qigong Concept to Help Improve Your Practice

There are many qigong practices – some say there are hundreds, others suggest that there are even thousands. It would take a lifetime, or lifetimes to learn them all! While there is variety in qigong practices there are some underlying principles that are...
Qi Gong for Peaceful and Deep Sleep

Qi Gong for Peaceful and Deep Sleep

To be fully and completely healthy we need real, nutritious food movement for good circulation low stress levels and adequate sleep It’s that easy!  😉 Sleep has been recognized as one of the biggest factors that contribute to a weak immune system, diabetes,...
Qigong for Anxiety and Sensitivities

Qigong for Anxiety and Sensitivities

There are many reasons to practice qigong. Amongst the most popular reason is anxiety and sensitivities. Many people experience the symptoms of anxiety such as: Panic, fear, and uneasiness Sleep problems Not being able to stay calm and still Cold, sweaty, numb or...