Qigong Practice Tip – Imperfect Action

Qigong Practice Tip – Imperfect Action

Here is a simple tip if you are new to Qigong practice. There are many things to learn when we practice Qigong: how to stand how to move how to breathe what we should be thinking about That can be a lot! When beginning there are a few details to focus on, and as the...
Ask Jeff Anything – Youtube Live Celebration

Ask Jeff Anything – Youtube Live Celebration

Here is the replay if the Ask Jeff (Almost) Anything Youtube Livestream. We ran this live video to celebrate reaching 30K Youtube subscribers on the Think Vitality channel. 30 thousand subscribers is really not that big in the online and Youtube world, but to me,...
Simple Qigong for Cleansing

Simple Qigong for Cleansing

Here is a nice gentle Qigong practice to help Cleanse the body and mind! It is natural to build up stress, and tension in the body and the mind. Even though we may do our best to stay relaxed and calm, worries, frustrations, anxiety, and fears accumulate in the soft...
Simple 5 Minute Qigong Meditation

Simple 5 Minute Qigong Meditation

Here is a simple 5 minute Qigong meditation that you can practice anywhere and anytime you need it! There are many different meditation techniques and styles and they are all beneficial. This meditation is common to practice after a Qigong session because it helps:...
5 Reasons to Practice Qigong

5 Reasons to Practice Qigong

Here are 5 Reasons to practice Qigong, whether you are an absolute beginner, a senior, or you have already began your Qigong journey. There are so many benefits to Qigong practice. The ancient Chinese knew about it’s many benefits to the body and mind thousands...