Qigong for Healing and the Flow State

Qigong for Healing and the Flow State

One of the main reasons people discover Qigong practice is because they are looking for something to help them heal. Heal from pain, arthritis, digestion issues, stress and anxiety, trauma, back pain, headaches and migraines, or emotional upset. Whether we have an...
Qigong Routine for Building Dan Tian Energy

Qigong Routine for Building Dan Tian Energy

Do you feel as if you are doing “all the right things” – eating well, exercising, taking your herbs and supplements, but you still don’t feel healthy, full of energy, and vibrant? Perhaps your Dan Tian energy is weak. Fear not, this Qigong...
Qigong for Calming and Grounding the Mind

Qigong for Calming and Grounding the Mind

Here is an easy Qigong routine that is helpful for calming, grounding, and centering the Mind. There are so many things that we “should do” “need to do” and “want to do” …that it can feel never ending. We are in a day and age...
Qi Gong for Anxiety and Chest Tightness

Qi Gong for Anxiety and Chest Tightness

A very common reason people practice qi gong is because of anxiety and symptoms that accompany it, such as chest tightness and fullness. Some of our most popular qi gong routines in the Communi Qi are for anxiety. Anxiety affects roughly 18% of the adult population...
Sitting Qigong Routine

Sitting Qigong Routine

There are many different styles of qigong. Some qigong practices are invigorating, stimulating, and will increase strength and flexibility, and other styles are more meditative, gentle, and relaxing. Some days you may feel drawn to an invigorating practice, one that...
Qi Gong for Peaceful and Deep Sleep

Qi Gong for Peaceful and Deep Sleep

To be fully and completely healthy we need real, nutritious food movement for good circulation low stress levels and adequate sleep It’s that easy!  😉 Sleep has been recognized as one of the biggest factors that contribute to a weak immune system, diabetes,...