Qigong and Mindfulness

Qigong and Mindfulness

I am sure you are already familiar with the many benefits of mindfulness practice. It has become popular in the last few years, and for a good reason – it is helpful! Mindfulness meditation and practices are certainly not new – they are based on Buddhist,...
Qigong Routine for Depleted Qi

Qigong Routine for Depleted Qi

Do you feel tired, drained, depleted, and you’re not recovering even after ‘resting?’ If you have been: working too much thinking too much experiencing stress and anxiety or spending too much energy you may feel qi “depleted.” You may...
Qigong Series for Immune System

Qigong Series for Immune System

The world has changed. People around the globe are concerned about their current state of health AND the future of their wellness more than any other time in recent history. There is no doubt that we all have to be responsible and follow the experts’ advice on...
Qigong for a Resilient Immune System and Mind

Qigong for a Resilient Immune System and Mind

More than ever, it’s necessary to keep your immune system strong and robust. With the growing concerns of the Corona virus (Covid-19) people are looking for anything and everything to help stay healthy. Can Qigong practice and the principles of Qigong be helpful...
How Qigong Can Help the Immune System

How Qigong Can Help the Immune System

There are many factors that help a person have a strong immune system so they can be resilient against colds, flus, pathogens, allergens and environmental factors. Physiologically, the immune system is affected by cellular components, the skin barrier, hormones,...
Qigong Practice Tip – Imperfect Action

Qigong Practice Tip – Imperfect Action

Here is a simple tip if you are new to Qigong practice. There are many things to learn when we practice Qigong: how to stand how to move how to breathe what we should be thinking about That can be a lot! When beginning there are a few details to focus on, and as the...
Ask Jeff Anything – Youtube Live Celebration

Ask Jeff Anything – Youtube Live Celebration

Here is the replay if the Ask Jeff (Almost) Anything Youtube Livestream. We ran this live video to celebrate reaching 30K Youtube subscribers on the Think Vitality channel. 30 thousand subscribers is really not that big in the online and Youtube world, but to me,...
“Most Important” Qigong Exercise for Beginners

“Most Important” Qigong Exercise for Beginners

I’d like to share with you one of the most important Qigong exercises you can practice. There are literally hundreds of Qigong exercises, and they are all great! But, this one exercise can be helpful for all aspects of your body, mind, and qi flow! Whether...
Qigong For Seniors

Qigong For Seniors

In this video I’d like to discuss Qigong for seniors, and 5 tips to improve your practice. Simple Qigong practice is very good for seniors While Qigong is an excellent exercise to practice at any stage of life, it is particularly beneficial for seniors because it can...
Simple Qigong for Cleansing

Simple Qigong for Cleansing

Here is a nice gentle Qigong practice to help Cleanse the body and mind! It is natural to build up stress, and tension in the body and the mind. Even though we may do our best to stay relaxed and calm, worries, frustrations, anxiety, and fears accumulate in the soft...